Images are great tools to inspire your customers. The use of great imagery can be crucial in convincing your customers to make a booking. The more emotional, descriptive, and engaging an image is, the more of an impact it will have.

Where do I upload custom images?

You can upload your own images based on your activity types by following the steps below.  Each individual activity/rental can have its own image, which you can upload via the Display box on the Options page when creating an activity.

Toolset -> Images -> Activity Images

Here you will see a stock photo tied to the specific activity type in question. We only show you activity types you are using to keep this page clean and quick to access.

To upload the new image:

Select 'Choose file' -> Search for the image on your computer -> Select it and click open

How your images will show up across the eola platform

The recommended image size is 1920px in width and 1080px in height (1920x1080px). Once uploaded on the platform the images will be automatically cropped to fit into the different featured positions.

Widget images

The widget image is seen above your activity description. The booking widget is optimised for mobile devices, so whether your customers are booking on their desktop, laptop, or mobile device, the image will be cropped the same.

Make sure the ‘action’ is taking place in the centre of the image, to ensure it translates well when viewed in the booking widget.

Booking Page Image

If you provide your customers with a direct link to an eola booking page, your image will be displayed as a header when making a booking.

Once your customers click Book now, this header will narrow. Don’t worry too much about lining up your images to fit in this narrow window, as by this point the image in question has done its work in helping to convince your customer to make a booking!